School, Instructor and Student Tables
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The School and Instructor Data tables show you the following data rolled up by School or Instructor.
School Name
The number of licenses purchased for that school
Number of Students
The number of students at the school receiving Once instruction.
Average EOYP (End-of-Year Prediction)
This is our prediction of what cycle students will end the year at on average. It is based on their current progress and their current pace. Students who have made it through Cycle 84 have covered all kindergarten reading skills and will be fully prepared for 1st grade reading content. Remaining on track for EOYP requires maintaining quality Session Rates, ORF scores, and attendance at coaching meetings.
30 SER w/ no student absences
The percent of instructional sessions over the prior 30 days that actually occurred, excluding sessions on days when students were absent. This metric is helpful for understanding whether recent session execution would be significantly higher if student attendance at school improved.
SER w/ no student absences
The percent of instructional sessions during the given academic year (or filtered date range) that actually occurred, excluding sessions on days when students were absent. This metric is helpful for understanding whether recent session execution would be significantly higher if student attendance at school improved.
30 SER w/ no student and instructor absences
The percent of instructional sessions over the prior 30 days that actually occurred, excluding sessions on days when the student or the instructor was absent. This metric is helpful for understanding whether recent session execution would be significantly higher if student and instructor attendance at school improved.
SER w/ no student and instructor absences
The percent of instructional sessions during the given academic year (or filtered date range) that actually occurred, excluding sessions on days when the student or the instructor was absent. This metric is helpful for understanding whether recent session execution would be significantly higher if student and instructor attendance at school improved.
30 Day Session Execution
The percent of scheduled sessions that were held over the preceding 30 days. Comparing this metric to session execution shows whether the recent trend is improving or declining.
Session Execution
The percent of scheduled sessions that were held. This shows how many days of instruction happen out of the total possible days. Student progress is maximized through repetition and daily practice.
Coaching Meetings
The percent of coaching meetings that instructors attended. These 30-minute, weekly coaching meetings prepare instructors to deliver instruction as effectively as possible, and instructors’ consistent attendance at these meetings is vital to the success of the program.
Cycles / Session
The number of “Cycles” (lessons) a student covers per lesson on average.
Oral Reading Fluency: this is the percent of words that students read correctly from unfamiliar passages. From the time that students reach Cycle 15, they routinely read new passages in Story Reading tasks independently. We measure and track the percent of words read correctly to assess student progress and support instructors with identifying trends, praise points, and potential pacing adjustments.
Average Minutes
The average duration of instructional sessions (in minutes). Sessions lasting 13 or more minutes on average allows for an effective amount of student practice each day. This average falling below 13 minutes can lead to a decrease in students’ EOYP.