District Planning & Implementation Process
District Planning for Once Implementation
Once personnel meet with district stakeholders to discuss best practices for successful program implementation.
The objectives of the implementation planning meeting are to:
Understand the district vision and mission for successful implementation
Plan for program logistics and launch
Prepare and plan for program implementation and support
District Planning Agenda
District Mission & Expectations for Schools for Implementation
Vision and Expectation of District for Once Implementation in Schools
Goals of the district for program implementation - How does Once fit in the district vision and goals?
Once program data
District data points
District expectation for all or opt in?
Decision-makers regarding the following (district or school leader):
Schools - All elementary? Small subgroup of elementary schools?
Students - Grade level - Pre-K, K, etc? All or selected students? How selected? Use of universal screener or other assessment? Addition or removal of students from the program during the year?
School Point Person? Role? Identification?
Once instructors identification? Who? Current roles and responsibilities? Impact on current responsibilities when taking on the role of Once Instructor?
Master Schedule - Expectations for scheduling Once program within school schedule? Timing? Impact on student day (pulled from specific class)? Location for Once instruction?
Resource allocation - Tech tools for instructors?
District and school access to Once data portal
Communication Procedures
District Point of Contact
School-based Point Person
Elevation of highlights as well as concerns
Planning Logistics for Launch
Proposed Launch Date
Note training should be scheduled as close to the launch date. It is essential to have the number of students assigned to each instruction by the start of training. Ideally, it is also best practice to have specific students names by the start of training.
Principal Kick-off/Roll-out Process & Timeline
Whole group
District involvement in session (Point Person and Principal voice of early adopters)
Introduction to Once
Information for principals as to what to expect for implementation logistics and support
One-on-one principal/Point Person planning sessions
School-specific planning meetings to prep prior to training
Classroom Teacher Kick-off/Roll-out Communication Process
Modified version of Part 1 Onboarding session
Part 1 Onboarding
District contact who will be present and speak to district vision/expectations
District contact who will assist with logistics (Wifi access, room set-up, receipt of instructor materials)
Attendees -Instructors + identified district staff (Principal, POC, etc)
District expectations for Once staff to follow for safety and security
Part 2 Onboarding
Attendees expectations
Post-Launch Implementation Support
Schedule dates for quarterly data review for district
Schedule dates for monthly/quarterly follow-up in-person and virtual support for schools:
New Instructor training
In-person training for previously trained instructors needing support
Monthly/Quarterly Implementation Progress & Support Meetings
With the Once team, district leaders, including the district point person, review progress with the implementation plan, review implementation goals with current data, troubleshoot blockers to consistent Once instruction, and make any necessary changes to the implementation.
Last updated
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